Fatherhood: One Year On…

My daughter Juliet turns one today and I really can’t get my head around how fast the year has gone, and how much she has grown.

A year ago I held a little baby girl in my arms and was overwhelmed by the miracle of life and amazing love and respect for my wife…

Today that baby is gone and Juliet really is a cute little girl.

She loves dogs, ducks and planes in the sky. Bananas, grapes and mandarins are her favourite food, but she doesn’t want help eating them as she wants to do it all herself.

She likes making sounds, crawling and climbing.

She loves her teddy, her ‘sheepie’ and her bedtime snugly blanket.

She loves her “Mumma” very much and melts my heart when she smiles and says “Dada”.

She is healthy and has so many people that love her very much and for that Anna and I am so thankful.

She’s taught me to slow down and enjoy every moment. I’m not there yet but working on it.

She’s taught me to make sure that I am in some of these photos as well, and when she looks back on them she won’t care if the lighting isn’t perfect… she’ll want to see her daddy.

She’s taught me a new love for Anna as I’ve seen her step into the role of being such an incredible mother while still being an amazing wife.

She’s taught me that I can handle a smelly nappy, although possibly with some nasal blocking assistance.

She’s taught me things don’t need to be complicated.

She’s taught me a deeper love than I knew before.

She is my Juliet Fiona Lloyd and I love her completely.

I am a very proud Dad.

– Clinton